Magic Mountain Puppets and Entertainment Inc.

Magic Mountain Puppets and Entertainment Inc.

What a Puppettheater and Accordion music?

My name is Silvia Eberly (born Weiss) I grew up in Vienna in
the 50's and my parents worked as a Policeman and my mom
worked in the Postaldepartment as a Switchboard operator.
I lived with my grandmother in the 10th district (Favoriten)
Went to Elementary and Hauptschule and did finish as a
Kaufman im Grosshandel working for AG for Bauwesen and
the Pensionsanstalt as a Sachbearbeiter.
My hobby was playing the accordion.
In the Elementary school I put on Puppetshows for the lower grades... there we go...
I am married to an American with Swiss anchestors Clark Eberly
and we married in 1982 in New York . We have 2 children Brian (20)and Sonja (24) and live in Arlington VA since 1986.
My love for the accordion I put into practice by starting my own business in 1993 (The Ziehharmonika Connection) My husband was a bit worried.. that I will make it. I also working in my field
accounting at th Kirov Academy of Ballet of Washington DC
as a Accounts Receivable Manager.
The Idea of to put on Puppetshows for Kids Birthdays came to me in 1999. My son, then 11 was all for it and helped me to
make it came true. We did our first show at a Beergarden of
the OLD STEIN INN in Edgewater Maryland where I was playing
the accordion for the last 6 years. The owner was happy to have
something different to offer to his customers.
My company was named : August Puppetheater.
I got a call one day from a lady claiming that I wanted to steal her companies name and that she wanted to call her lawyer.
Well bad luck for her. The next day I incorporated my new company under the name MAGIC MOUNTAIN PUPPETS INC
and this was it is called as of today! And I am bringing joy to
a lot of little kids wanting the see Austrian Kasperl theater/
The last show in German I did for a Christkindl market at the
German Bundeswehr comand in Reston VA and I will do it again
this year 2009 in the beginning of December.
I play accordion for two German /Austrian restaurants CAFE MOZART where I play every Sunday from 5 - 9pm and one a month we have a HEIMATABEND with different German Musicians
and I play at the OLD STEIN INN in Edgewater Maryland
Wintertime 2x a month on a Saturday from 5 - 9pm
My puppet shows are always fun because I bring my Steirische Harmonika to play music for them.
The Business is celebration its 9th year in Business hurray....even with the ecconomy!