Jo Danieli

Jo Danieli

A world-traveler, at home everywhere - that's me

My private life has been full of tragedies - tragedies, that I had to observe. I wrote about many of them, and maybe, one day, they'll be movies.
The early death of my brother of cancer certainly made a difference in how I am seeing life today.
I lived with heavy drug-users (without having EVER tried drugs myself, and I mean that) ... I saw people break in the too tight embrace of "society" ... and my sense for fairness is extremely developed.
If I was to write down my life - it would fill many volumes, because I am one of the people who get to experience many things that others strife for. But I did not seek them.
I guess, I am just lucky to be able to see life from so many perspectives.

Currently, May 2009, I am single, but have been living with a good friend for many years.