Christian Brunner
That's my story and I'm sticking to it...
One evening in 1994, while still living and working in Austria, I entered a room in my company's building to attend a Business English class. As always, I was the last one to appear.In front of the class...stood the woman who's now my wife, Sarah.
We moved to Arlington, MA, a suburb of Boston, in 1997. At that time, Sarah worked for the private Foundation of the US Ambassador to Austria in Vienna, Swanee Hunt. When the Amabassador's term was over, she moved to Cambridge, MA, to teach at Harvard's Kennedy School of Government. So she asked Sarah, back then my girlfriend, if she'd like to come with and keep working in her foundation. And why not ask me if I want to come, too.
Well, that's how I ended up here.
We got married in 1999, and have two kids now, a seven year old Maxi and a four year old Annika.
They understand everything in German, but don't really talk it.
Hopefully, the three weeks in Austria in July of this year will change that a little. Yeah, right.
I myself started to work in IT for human services non-profits, mostly homelessness and drug/alcohol recovery programs. I can't really work in direct care, because my approach wouldn't be much appreciated (you got a problem? Let's go and have a beer.) So, IT is right for me.
But I'm not really that much of a science guy. That's why I paint ( and write. My first publication is a novel, "Fliegenpilz", a temporary story of a young guy being healed by shamanism, and learning that trade himself as he comes of age (with difficulties to overcome, of course.) More about the book at
Currently I am working on writing screen plays.